Trap Quest Release 9 Version 6.0 Hotfix

Download Links:

First time downloading? On Windows? I'd recommend just downloading this: Danaume Version + Windows Git

There are 4 different versions because there are 4 different character windows you can use. Previews of the different versions' Character Windows

Direct Links (Approx 340MB to 370MB depending on which version you download. As always, expect these to go rather slow for the first 24 hours): Danaume Version, Keriax Version, Wonderfuller Version and Porn Version

MEGA Mirrors: Danaume Version, Keriax Version, Wonderfuller Version and Porn Version

Trap Quest was created with Inform. To play a work like this one, you need an interpreter program: many are available, among them Zoom for Mac (NB Sierra update has broken the game, and you need to use WINE) and for Unix; Windows Git for Windows; and Gargoyle does an okay job on all platforms if none of the others are working for you.

Main Changelist:

Hotfix Changelist:

  • Aika: With the 'game hates you' option enabled, the throne will no longer be definitely safe the first time you use it.
  • Aika: Added images for the various ring gags.
  • Aika: Fixed several minor bugs where the flag for whether clothing was asshole exposing was checked instead of the flag for whether clothing was covering the player's crotch.
  • Aika: Fixed a runtime error when you put non-clothing in the wishing well.
  • Aika: Fixed an image issue with the cat tail plug.
  • Aika: Anklecuffs from royal slave class set now spawn locked rather than cursed.
  • Aika: Fixed an issue where the cutscene with Barbara and the shopkeeper was rarer than intended - she should actually spawn in that room with him now! To get it to trigger you have to walk into the room after they're already both in there.
  • Aika: Fixed an issue where all mannequin images were missing.

Alpha testers:

  • Fixed a bug where seasonal content couldn't be disabled after it was enabled.
  • Fixed some issues where a vagina was visible on male players with the Wonderfuller clothing enabled.
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